search terms

Terms from Artificial Intelligence: humans at the heart of algorithms

Page numbers are for draft copy at present; they will be replaced with correct numbers when final book is formatted. Chapter numbers are correct and will not change now.

In {[web search}} or {[document retreival}}, the search terms are the words you enter into a form as a query. Unlike a structured database query with fixed fields, the terms may usually occur anywhere on gthe text of the web page or document, requiring special foms of free text index. This may include dealing with {[stemming}}, mistyoings or even terms with simialr semantic meanings to the search terms. Sometimes it is posisble to link search tersm in semi-structyred ways, for example, adding logical cnnectives such as "food AND ( dog OR cat)". The search results are often ranked in terms of relevance based on how many or frequently rthe search tersm appearr in the retreved docuemnts and how common the terms are, for example in the search terms 'an aunt antidisestablishmentarianism', 'an' would be weighted less than 'aunt' and both less than 'antidisestablishmentarianism'.\

Used in Chap. 17: page 277; Chap. 19: page 330